Based on its experience in ultra-high-sensitivity spectroscopy research, ppqSense manufactures and sells low-noise drivers that provide a ready-to-use integrated solution for quantum cascade and semiconductor lasers and high-performance mid-infrared detection systems with integrated optics.
Measure radiocarbon in your laboratory or company in a simple and reliable way
The need for transparency in terms of circularity led us to exploit a reliable and easily deployable method for assessing the biogenic carbon fraction in industrial materials. We identified a radiocarbon analysis based on Saturated-absorption CAvity Ring-down (SCAR) as a quick and effective method for such a scope.

We have the opportunity to offer accredited C 14 analysis for determination of fossil / biogenic content. The measurement is performed according to ASTM D6866,
with the modification that the SCAR method is used instead of one of the methods mentioned in the standard.
with the modification that the SCAR method is used instead of one of the methods mentioned in the standard.

C14-SCAR is a versatile instrument, can be used to perform fast radiocarbon dating. Samples that have been dated since the introduction of the method include charcoal, wood, seeds, bones, shells, leather, soil, hair, pottery, pollen, wall paintings, corals, fabrics, paper or parchment, resins.

We provide customised solutions and serve customers worldwide in research,industry and aerospace