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ppqSense offers carbon measurement facility which includes the following services:

1. Radiocarbon mole fraction measurement service using C14-SCAR measurement laboratory

2. Rental of a radiocarbon analyser. Thanks to the C14-SCAR’s small size and ease of use, we can provide a rental service for measurement campaigns

Explore our services for more informations:

Biobased Product Measurement: Verification of biogenic percentage in industrial products

Biogenic Determination in Bio-Fuel: Determination of biogenic percentage in biofuel blends

Instrument Rental: Rental of a C14-SCAR instrument for measurement or monitoring trials

C14-SCAR Rental

The rental service is experimental, if you are interested in having C14-SCAR for a limited period for a test or measurement campaign, please contact us.

Through the contact form require to activate the C14-SCAR rental-procedure, together we will find the best solution for your needs


ppqSense proposes itself as a company specialized in radiocarbon measurements. Through the SCAR technique, developed by ppqsense researchers, the company provides a transportable instrument suitable for 14C measurement campaigns both in the laboratory and in situ.

Measurement Service

ppqSense provides a radiocarbon mole fraction measurement service using the SCAR technique. A wide range of carbon-containing samples made from different materials (fabrics, plastics, fuels, solvents, etc.) can be analyzed. The standard precision of the measurement is 2 pMC (improvable upon request) and the minimum amount of carbon is 6 mg.

SCAR Rental

ppqSense can provide a 14C measurement instrument for in situ measurement campaigns for a limited time. Through the rental procedure ppqSense takes care of delivering to the customer a C14-SCAR instrument complete with sample processing system, ready to be used.